LightClean UVC
With LightClean UVC
With LightClean UVC
Prices are F.O.B. at Factory Door. Freight, taxes and installation extra.
Prices subject to change without notice. Delivery 4-6 weeks.
More Efficient • More Consistent • Most Trusted
UVC - 20
UVC - 40
UVC - 100
Space - 500
SPACE - 1000
Sanitex - 1200
Dental Chair Pack
Pay for your LightClean UVC System while you build your business with it.
Pay for your LightCare UVC System
while you build your business with it.
The High Protein, Low Carb, Low Sugar Pre-Op diet helps reduce fat levels in your liver which results in an easier, faster and safer surgery.
Fatty liver can cause feelings of fatigue or you may experience discomfort or pain in the upper right side of your abdomen.
Please contact me to arrange a consultation